Tuesday, October 20, 2009
One More Picture!
I thought that I uploaded this picture with the others from "Auntie Molly's Visit". I liked this picture of Emma with chopsticks! :)
Auntie Molly's Visit!!!
My sister Molly came to visit us over the weekend and we had a GREAT time!!!! Both of the girls (& the dogs, too) ADORE their Auntie Molly! Emma wanted to hold her hand and sit on her lap every second. Sophie was content to stare at her and smile. :) For some reason we did not take a lot of pictures so this is all that I had to upload.....
*Auntie Molly making salsa for us with the produce from the "Apple Orchard".*
*We thought that it'd be fun to go to a real orchard and pick apples. I'd heard of this place from another local Mom and the website was cute so we decided to venture out and try it. Unfortunately we found out that we were NOT ALLOWED to pick apples....what?! Yes, due to insurance reasons people can no longer pick their own apples. *Sigh*. The owner was VERY nice though and we did not want to look like snobs so we stayed. We walked a grasshopper infested $6 pp maze that was created with crime scene tape and bought over priced fruit & veggies.* ;)
*Auntie Molly making salsa for us with the produce from the "Apple Orchard".*
Catching Up with Random Pictures
Emma has been practicing writing the letters of her name! Our next step is to write them in sequence. 
Emma has also been styling her doll's and stuffed animal's hair & fur. Doesn't Dora look great? ;)
What do you do if it is POURING out and you don't own a rain coat or rain boots?
It was a VERY lame Moonfestival celebration this year. It kind of snuck up on us for the first time. I did not want it to pass without allowing Emma to at least celebrate it a school as I have for the past 2 years. So I created a coloring page. Next we bought fortune cookies WHICH IS NOT EVEN A CHINESE THING & rounded out the nutritional value with bananas. Both Emma and Sophie are from southern China and their county of Yangdong is known for growing bananas. (THAT IS RIGHT; IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW...BOTH OF THE GIRLS ARE FROM THE SAME COUNTY! BUT, OF COURSE DIFFERENT SWI'S 60 MILES APART). :)
Emma brought in some Chinese culture to share with her teachers and classmates. I tossed things in a bag the morning of school. :)
I love this picture of Sophie taking a nap. She still looks like such a BABY! :)
This was my first true attempt at french braiding Emma's hair. It did not turn out so great. Luckily Emma did not care. ;)
I used a blow drier & round brush to style Sophie's hair. I thought that it turned out VERY cute! I think that Sophie was pleased with the results as well....
A sneak peak of what Emma's school picture will look like this year.
I still just LOVE seeing BOTH of my daughters TOGETHER! They are TRUE sisters in ever sense of the word. :)
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