The trio L to R: Braydee, Emma and Lucy

"Old Friends"
L to R: Emma, Braydee and Lucy.

Greg and I decided that it was time to get out of town, so we took Emma to Kansas City, MO for the weekend. We attended a Royals Baseball Game and ate some great Barbecue food on Saturday. (Don't worry everyone-I had the shrimp)! Emma had a blast at the ballgame, clapping and cheering for both teams. :)
On Sunday we met some very special friends for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. The Rutter-Chu family was part of our travel group in China and their daughter Lucy was born in Guangdong Province just like Emma. We had not seen them in 2 and a half years, but somehow the girls just connected immediately. They had a great time visiting and so did we. My friend Cristy took the pictures posted above, she captured better ones than I did so I am using hers! :) (Thanks Cristy-*lol*)!