~Emma & Sydney coloring their Valentine's Day Pictures! :)~
~Emma washing her hands after eating her Brownie! ~
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYBODY!Emma assisted me earlier this week in writing out her valentines for her preschool friends and daycare friends (okay, so she just made a few crayon marks on each card...)! ; ) Last night she accompanied me to the party store to choose decorations too. Today at school they celebrated the holiday by having a "friendship festival" where they shared a communal cereal based snack that everybody contributed to and they exchanged their valentines. It was so cute to see all of the little cards & treats in Emma's backpack! Today Emma's good friend Syndey came to spend the day with us at daycare and the girls have had tons of fun playing together!! : )
The kids ate brownies for a special Valentine snack this afternoon. I turned my head for a minute to find that Emma had disapperaed from the kitchen table...then I heard water running. She was in the bathroom all by herself washing her hands! : ) She had dragged an empty laundry basket infront of the sink and was standing on it and the vanity was covered in soap splatters and pools of water. However, I just could not be angry at the mess because she looked SO PROUD of herself and SO CUTE too! : ) I praised her for being a big girl and I think that the grin on her face in the photo above speaks volumes. : )