If you'd like to view the random mix of pictures just scroll down. I won't blame you.
If you are feeling up to some "heavy reading" then feel free to enter our lives for a paragraph or two. I believe that it is OKAY to share....VERY IMPORTANT actually to share. I don't expect people to understand....just try to roll with us. :) Parenting a special child and being a sibling to a special child is a gift. One that I'd NEVER return. Although, it'd be nice if the gift came with an instruction manual. Truly it does not matter whether my treasure has Autism, PTSD, RAD, even a mental illness. The symptoms are what we need to wade our way through and treat. The symptoms are difficult for Emma because SHE IS so very aware of them. They are no picnic for the other 3 of us either.
Our trip "home" to visit family in Michigan and Chicago was in one word a DISASTER. We LOVED seeing our families. But, it was just not an enjoyable time beyond that. The trip was just too intense for Emma-this time. We drove for hundreds of miles with "Linda Blair" in the mini van. I believe that we all lost some hearing. When Sophie was baptized I considered pulling the pastor aside and asking about an exorcism for Emma. :P We tried to do things but even our "own normal" was out of reach. We cancelled a lot of plans with friends and even family. It was what it was.
We have an appointment with our ARNP on Monday. This will be good. I have a lot of questions.
I am rambling now, that is my cue to stop typing. I have two little ones who want to splash in their pool and a sweet hubby to spend the day with. :)