Emma had a very busy weekend!!! : )
Her Daddy arrived home from London on Friday afternoon. She anticipated Greg's return since 6:30 AM that morning and was absolutely beside herself when his limo pulled in the driveway, it was very sweet! She flung open the door and ran outside with the dogs shouting "DADDY! DADDY"!!!!He had been gone for 10 days, which is a very, very, very long time when you are only 3 years old. Emma has been giving her Daddy many extra hugs & kisses the past couple of days.
On Saturday Emma's Lao Lao & Yeh Yeh arrived for a short visit, only staying until Sunday morning. They are on their way to Idaho to visit Yeh Yeh's daughter Carol Ann and her family, so we were just a pit stop along the way. : ) We had a great visit and they took us out to eat at The Sushi House, one of Emma's favorite restaurants. Emma adores her Lao Lao and hung on her the entire time that they were here-even stalking her while she tried to take a shower! When they left on Sunday morning Emma sobbed, she wanted to go with them I think! : (
We went out for our monthly breakfast on Sunday with Greg's side of the family. It is always fun to see everybody and play catch up. And, of course everybody LOVES to see Emma...she often recieves small gifts for no reason! : ) Yesterday she received cute books from both her Great Aunt Marilyn and Great Grandma Jo. We also celebrated Emma's Nona's birthday.Emma chose Nona's presents all by herself; a necklace & earring set and guitar socks- she was very proud to present her gift to Nona! ; )
Emma has added a couple of words to her growing vocabulary this week; "Sit Down"! She tells us when she is sitting down, when we are sitting down, when she wants us to sit down---you get the picture! : )

I forgot to take pictures of Emma over the weekend, as usual I had M.I.B. (Mommy Mush Brain)! So, I took 2 pictures of Emma last night as she was winding down before bedtime. The first picture is of Emma chewing gum, her new FAVORITE activity (Which could actually be a post in itself! : ) ....) & wearing her new Dora slippers. Emma loves wearing slippers and shoes almost as much as she enjoys chewing gum. The second pictures is three of her Teletubbies & a horse having a tea party. Greg & I thought that it was cute how she arranged the whole set up. : )