(aka Yangxi Ziye)
Birthdate: 11/19/06
Currently Waiting for Us at Yangxi SWI in Guangdong Provence China
I "found" Sophia's picture posted on ADOPTION ADVOCATES INTERNATIONAL's Waiting Child
web page the morning of November 8th, 2007. I emailed the agency to inquire about the precious little baby sitting in the red chair and they immediately emailed me information about her, I was in love! The first time that I laid eyes on Sophie's picture I felt the same way that I did when I saw Emma's referral picture. It is difficult to put into words; it is simply "Oh there you finally are"! I KNEW that Sophie was MY DAUGHTER the same way that I did when I saw Emma's picture. :) Sophie's referral picture is very similar to Emma's, the moment that I saw the back round I knew that Sophia's SWI had to be in southern Guangdong Provence like Emma's was, and I was right! I was very surprised though to learn that Sophie's SWI is just 30 miles west of Emma's. Emma & Sophie already share a bond in that.
After learning last week that we are officially pre approved by the CCAA to adopt Sophia Grace; we are proud to FINALLY post her referral picture on our blog! We are almost finished putting together our dossier for China and to make a long story short for those not familar with International Adoption Lingo we plan to travel to China to bring Sophie home late summer or early fall. I still can not believe that Emma ("my baby") is going to be a big sister sometime with in the next 9 months! I know that Emma will be an amazing big sister to Sophie, Emma is intrigued by babies & is very loving with her baby dolls....additionally she already appears to have the "big sister bossy trait" thing down pat. : ) We have been explaining to her that the 3 of us will be going to China to bring her new Mei Mei (little sister) home although I don't think that she quite understands. BUT, when I show Emma the picture of Sophie posted above and ask her "Who is this?" she will respond "Baby Soapy!"-so that is a start! : )