(aka Yangxi Ziye)
Birthdate: 11/19/06
Currently Waiting for Us at Yangxi SWI in Guangdong Provence China
I "found" Sophia's picture posted on ADOPTION ADVOCATES INTERNATIONAL's Waiting Child
web page the morning of November 8th, 2007. I emailed the agency to inquire about the precious little baby sitting in the red chair and they immediately emailed me information about her, I was in love! The first time that I laid eyes on Sophie's picture I felt the same way that I did when I saw Emma's referral picture. It is difficult to put into words; it is simply "Oh there you finally are"! I KNEW that Sophie was MY DAUGHTER the same way that I did when I saw Emma's picture. :) Sophie's referral picture is very similar to Emma's, the moment that I saw the back round I knew that Sophia's SWI had to be in southern Guangdong Provence like Emma's was, and I was right! I was very surprised though to learn that Sophie's SWI is just 30 miles west of Emma's. Emma & Sophie already share a bond in that.
After learning last week that we are officially pre approved by the CCAA to adopt Sophia Grace; we are proud to FINALLY post her referral picture on our blog! We are almost finished putting together our dossier for China and to make a long story short for those not familar with International Adoption Lingo we plan to travel to China to bring Sophie home late summer or early fall. I still can not believe that Emma ("my baby") is going to be a big sister sometime with in the next 9 months! I know that Emma will be an amazing big sister to Sophie, Emma is intrigued by babies & is very loving with her baby dolls....additionally she already appears to have the "big sister bossy trait" thing down pat. : ) We have been explaining to her that the 3 of us will be going to China to bring her new Mei Mei (little sister) home although I don't think that she quite understands. BUT, when I show Emma the picture of Sophie posted above and ask her "Who is this?" she will respond "Baby Soapy!"-so that is a start! : )
Congratulations Megan!! I am so happy for you. She is such a cutie. I can't wait to hear more and find out when you'll be traveling. Do you think you'll visit Emma's orphanage while you're there?
What a beautiful Yangxi baby!! We are a yangxi family and it warms our hearts when we see other Yangxi babies finding their forever families. Congratulations and we can't wait until you have her in your arms!! Janice
Megan, Congrats!!! She is beautiful and I am excited to follow your journey of her!!!
Jeanette R.
Sara Beth Bows
How exciting for your family! So happy to see your adorable new baby girl. I'm sure Emma will be a great big sister. Congratulations!
Julie & Kamryn
Congratulations Megan and Greg. So excited for you. Please keep us posted. She is adorable.
Kerry from Playgroup
(Dave, Grace and Maddie too)
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