After lunch we took Emma & Sophie to the zoo. We walked around the ENTIRE perimeter of the zoo & visited some different exhibits that we normally do not see. Of course THEY were only interested in TWO things today; #1 The Penguins and #2 ANY bridge that was in sight. All that I can say is that these two little girls are unique! :) They enjoyed themselves and they were well behaved so I guess that I can not complain!
Getting ready to leave for the zoo and apparently rather impatient about taking a picture. You'd think that they'd be used to me by now! ;) Sophie was not smiling here; but I thought that she looked very beautiful anyway. :)
Watching the Penguins....Emma is making her "big eyes"....
Content in the stroller and not wanting to get out for a closer look.
Sophie blurted out "There it is"!
The source of their amusement.
One last look before heading off in search of bridges...After the zoo we stopped by our local grocery store for a few things. The girls love visiting Dillon's-I really don't know why?! I took the following pictures to show everybody how Emma & Sophie ride during every shopping trip. They BOTH insist riding in the back of the cart and expect to eat snacks the whole time. They LIKE having the groceries piled on top of them while shopping too. Yes, really! :)
Here they are with Daddy!
Buried under groceries and enjoying themselves! :)