Okay, so this is my blog and I can do what I want! :) Today I am advocating for a CUTE little boy who is waiting for a family of his own. He lives with a foster family in Anhui Province and has been a part of LOVE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES Lu'An Foster Care Program since 2005. But, he wants a forever family of his own. He is 8 years old and likes legoes & cars.
I wish that WE could adopt him!!! But, Greg said "no" and honestly in his defense there ARE several reasons why it is just not the right time for us to add to our family. (And, more than likey we will always be a family of four). So, please, please visit this link to learn more about John if YOU are interested in becoming his family! :)
We attended a Chinese New Year lunch on Saturday with out local adoption group. Most of the families in the group have adopted from China. The girls were excited to put on their special dresses and go see other little girls from China. :) It was great to see familar faces and new ones too. ALL of the children looked so cute! Emma hugged two of her little friends and Sophie was all smiles. Once again poor Emma had a lot of anxiety though because of the noise and crowd, she wanted me to hold her a lot & she really wanted to leave. Sophie was a little bit overwhelmed too, but did just fine. I am just glad that we were able to attend if only for a little while!
The girls and I spent a week up in Michigan with my side of the family. We really had a GREAT visit! The girls LOVE their extended family. I know that I should include captions but, it would take me too long. After all it took me over a week to download and post just the pictures! :) So, enjoy the pictures!!!