(Note the shopping cart on the mantel, it was in time out because Emma was throwing it)!
Emma posing on the stairs with her two beloved companions; "Baby" and "Doggy"!

Emma decided to try and put on our Yorkie Jack's sweater, it turned out to be a bit small! : ) She thought that it was hilarious!
I can not believe that it has taken me over a month to update Emma's blog! We misplaced our camera after Christmas; because I had no pictures to post I did feel inspired to write!
Now we have found our camera so the blog is up and running again! : ) I will try to get back into the routine of posting weekly. Today I am going to limit the blog to posting recent pictures of Emma all taken over the past few days.
Emma is doing GREAT and every day is an adventure with her! She amazes us all of the time with her capability to do so many things. (Read: WHEN she WANTS to do things.... : )....)! Last week Greg and I went to Mexico and Emma spent the week in Michigan with her Lao Lao & Yeh Yeh. She did just fine with out us and had a great time hanging out with her Lao Lao, when Lao Lao asked Emma her teacher's name Emma answered her with out hesitation-if I were to ask Emma the same question she would ignore me. None the less I was proud to hear that Emma knew the answer! : )
Enjoy ! : )
I'm so happy you're back on!! I've missed the updates. Emma is as cute as ever, and her horsey's teeth look spectacular! ;)
Hi! I love the pigtails in Emma's hair, too cute. Her hair is really getting long. Isn't it funny what amuses the girls sometimes? I'm glad that you had a nice trip and that Emma did great too!
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