The girls are doing well. Emma starts soccer at the YMCA next month & school starts again the very same week! She is excited about both. :) Sophie has turned into a little chatterbox and really has a personality much larger than her little self. Her newest words are: "Want play" and "Where Daddy"? Both girls had Doctor appointments back to back this afternoon. Emma had her school physical and 4 vaccinations (luckily just 3 shots!) and Sophie had a vial of blood drawn to monitor her Hep B status. They were both VERY good and didn't cry! (I bribed them with the promise of candy). :) I had them dressed up and was going to take pictures but my camera battery died-whoops.
Ah yes, sleeping angels...and the picture of the girls eating the Kansas corn, cracked me up (Sophie is barely above the table)! So what was the theatrical book that Greg was reading (referring to the first picture of Greg and the girls)...ah, but then noticed the rim of the wine glass in the following pictures and thought to myself, perhaps the book wasn't that theatrical afterall. Perhaps Greg was just a bit tipsy!! Having seen pictures of the dogs lately...are they in hiding?
Meant to say "haven't" see pictures of the dogs lately...sorry, too much caffeine and the 10th go-round of Barney already this a.m.
Yes indeed, Lao Lao also saw the rim of the wine glass!! That's ok, everyone looked happy.
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