Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Visiting the Zoo

The girls & I went to the zoo one day last week. We purchase a yearly membership & live less than 1O minutes away so we try to visit at least once a week. For whatever reason both Emma and Sophie elected to ride in the stroller during the entire visit. You'll see the trend via the pictures below! :) I got a good work out pushing them around but I was disappointed that they were not interested in walking around and seeing more of the animals. UGH! I guess that the next time I need to make sure that they have a lot of energy to burn off before we decide to go! (Or leave the stroller in the car...).

In the parking lot:
Heading in:
STILL in the stroller visiting the penguins:

At the entrance of the new Tiger Exhibit:

At this moment I caught on that they were NOT going to be getting out of the stroller:

A friendly orangutan who was looking at us:

The orangutan was our last stop:

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