I gave her hair a little trim on Tuesday. It is growing in nicely and getting thicker! You can't really tell from the pictures but I evened out her bangs and took off the circa 1986 points growing over her ears. I am hoping that I will be able to take her for a real haircut this fall, she does not have enough hair for that just yet! :)
Sophie's TRUE personality is starting to show through and it is STRONG! She is still very sweet and compliant a lot of the time. Yet, she can be VERY stubborn and manipulative! Of course she does not understand what manipulation means since she is only 2 1/2 years old...but she knows how to do it anyway. She cries dramatically over the smallest things and tries to play Greg and I against one another. If she does not get her way in a store she will cry and look at all of the strangers as if she is trying to get their attention..she is actually quite smart. :) And, it's even FUNNY when we are not feeling annoyed. ;)
She is continuing to learn new words in English, mostly through repeating what she hears us say. Her receptive language is definitely improving. She still speaks Cantonese too and kind of mixes it with English words sometimes. We met a lady at Panera that spoke Cantonese; I gave her permission to "talk" to Sophie. Sophie looked a little bit confused but did answer "yeah" to two of her questions! :) There are different dialects of Cantonese but it seemed like she understood what this lady was saying?
Sophie likes to "pose" for the camera as you can see from the pictures below:
I love these pictures of Sophie. So cute. And so happy with her gift! :)
You are welcome Sweet Sophie! Love your haircut. I knew it wouldn't be long before your Mom gave you a "trim"!
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