*Warning*: There are NO pictures in this post.
(I do promise to add some soon)! :)
Today is Sophie's second birthday. I wish that we were able to celebrate it with her! My heart tells me that I am not the only one feeling this way. Surely today her birth mother has thought about her many times. I wish that I could hold her other mother's hands tightly in mine and commiserate with her about missing out on this special day. I am sure that we would both cry. But, then I would tell her how we sent Sophie a cake so that her birthday would not go unnoticed today. For a short time....maybe just 10 minutes...she received some attention and a few bites of cake. I would also promise her birth mother that Sophie will never spend another birthday alone-as we are going to China to bring her home very soon. Lastly, I would thank her for making a very difficult choice two years ago today-a choice that allowed us to complete our family.
Emma LOVES birthday cakes and the song Happy Birthday. I am sure that she will be singing Happy Birthday to Sophie's picture today! ; ) Actually, we can not eat a slice of cake in this house with out sticking a candle in it and singing...no, I am not kidding. Another song that Emma REALLY likes is Jingle Bells. We have been singing it lately. A LOT.
She will say to me "Mommy, sing dashing through the snow"! At which point I prompt her "What is the name of the song"? Emma always replies VERY loudly "THAT'S JINGLE BELLS"! :)
So, do YOU have the song stuck in your head now too after reading this entry? ;) Greg and I do, and probably will for the next several months...at least until July or so!
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh.....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
~A Little Update on Sophie~
We recieved an update on Sophie today through REDTHREADCHINA.COM! I had contacted this company (located in Guangzhou)over the weekend to purchase a cake and camera to be delivered to Sophie on her birthday next week. To our sheer delight we now have the following updated information on dear daughter number two:
Height: 33.5 inches
Weight: 24.3 pounds
Feet: 5.5 inches
Chest: 19.7 inches
Head: 18.9 inches
Teeth: 12 :)
She is almost the exact same size that Emma was at that age! :)
Height: 33.5 inches
Weight: 24.3 pounds
Feet: 5.5 inches
Chest: 19.7 inches
Head: 18.9 inches
Teeth: 12 :)
She is almost the exact same size that Emma was at that age! :)
Busy! Busy! Busy!
As you can see by the following pictures, the Montieth family has been busy! There has been no time for blogging lately. We love Emma SO MUCH, but she definitely keeps us on our toes! Can the love of your life drive you to drink? Apparently by the first photograph the answer is....
"YES"! ; )
Emma and daddy riding the new and improved carousel-constructed by Emma!
"YES"! ; )
Sunday, November 2, 2008
This little pumpkin is ready to go get some CANDY!!
Halloween Tattoo! :)
Showing off her school artwork!
All 3 pumpkin is this picture must be WARM...it was about 75 degrees out!
Emma's pumpkin on the wall at school!

Emma with her teacher Ms. Marci! 
Emma and a classmate pre-party!
Taking a turn trying to break open the pinata!

Emma and a classmate pre-party!
Emma had a Halloween party at school on Thursday that I was able to attend. The kids walked in a parade around the school, ate snacks in the room and broke open a pumpkin pinata of candy. On Friday Greg took Emma trick or treating and then Emma helped pass out some candy to the trick or treaters at home. She loved her pumpkin costume and did not want to take it off! :) Enjoy the pictures!
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