For those of you who know Greg, there is no question that the man is a football fanatic! He lives & breathes the sport. On Sunday afternoons Emma often hangs around Greg while he is glued to the TV for 10+ hours. She really gets a kick out of his yelling and clapping, in fact she often joins in with a "WHOOOO" or a "Touchdown"!
I should NOT have been surprised when she spotted a football at the store and had to have it...
I love this picture! What a happy smile!!
Hi Megan!
I saw your post on the HFS board & came by to see your blog! Which SWI is Emma from?? Our daughter is from Yang Xi which is also in the Guangdong prov! I'd also love to chat about your list of IA docs... Come by & visit our blog: www.yoichoichoi.blogspot.com
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