Please meet our son and the girls little brother;
I was catching up on reading my favorite blogs
(about the only thing that I get to read these days)
late on the night of April 11th when I came across this post on my friend Tami's blog:
(Sorry. You will have to copy/paste to see that blog post. I am so not good at technical stuff)!
At that moment I knew that I was seeing MY SON for the first time.
I can't explain it. But, I had known since last fall that we were suppose to adopt a boy from China with limb differences. However I was not officially looking for our third little eggroll the night that I found Jake. But, there he was! He had found me. God placed him right in our laps. So, after almost 4 long weeks of talking, praying, consulting with doctors, praying again, sobbing (that would be!) , watching everything fall into place...and talking some more; we decided that it was time. On May 7th we made the decision that we were indeed with out a doubt, undeniably Jake's family. :)
We received
(that's adoption lingo for pre approval)
from the generous officials in China to be Jake's parents on Friday!
We have been knee deep in paperwork since May 9th and I think that we are making some pretty darn good progress thus far. Of course it will never be fast enough! I will post more about Jake later this week.
For now I will leave you with some pictures
since THAT is what you are all waiting for anyway. If you bothered to read my post with out scrolling down to the pictures you are probably tired of my rambling anyway.

Congratulations Megan & Fam, He is so sweet! Are the girls pretty excited? When is the eta for travel? Karen
he is so beautiful! I'm very happy for you!
Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you. He's such a cutie. I'll be following along on your third amazing journey!!! :)
What a cutie!! Glad we were had a little part in your bringing him home!!
Hmm......maybe I could travel with you?!! My hubby says I can't go back to adopt again...but I can go anytime to shop!!
Congratulations!!! He is amazing!! Can't wait to see him come home! We are so incredibly happy for you!
love that little baby boy to pieces and i am SOOOO HAPPY that he will grow up in an amazing family - and SO close to me ;-)
many blessings on the journey, friend! bleesed that god knew when i held your baby boy that he was YOUR baby boy!
I have goose bumps and tears in my eyes! He is beautiful. Emma and Sophie will make awesome big sisters!
We are so happy for all 5 of you! Joe has the same limb issue, and he is a wonder and can do ANYTHING. That is one of the most beautiful little boys I have ever seen. We'll be praying he's home soon.
I am so excited for you guys. See you were destined to return again. I can not contain my excitement. I will be stalking your blog for sure. I wish I could go with you.:)
Congrats !!
Any new news?
Congratulations from another JC mom. He is a cute little one. I hope you travel quickly and its a safe trip for you.
Lynn Smulders
Mom to a near 5yr old JC kiddo
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