Here it is...our I-171H Approval!
I was SHOCKED to find this in our mail box this morning, I think that I asked Greg 3 or 4 times: "Are you SURE that this it"??!! After regaining my senses and calling my Mom I was off to FED EX to overnight the approval to our adoption agency. We have had some minor flooding here and I drove through 8-12 inches in some areas to get there, I was just glad that I did not have to get out and wade to the building....of course I would have. ; )
When we told Emma that the special paper came that we have been waiting for and that Sophie can come home now Emma replied: "SISTER"!!!
I guess that this means that I can start to get Sophie's room ready! Even if we do not travel for 4, 5, or 6 more months...those of you who know me understand that I need to be organized. : )
In the closing of this rambling post I want to take note that it is September 13th, but in China it is September 14th...the first day of The Moon Festival. This is a very important family oriented holiday in China. So, what a fitting day this was to receive our approval for Sophie!
Congratulations!!! You said it best: "FINALLY!" I'll be watching for updates on each step.
Meg Kate!!! I am SO happy for you, greg and Emma!!! I am especially happy for Sophie because I know how lucky she is to have you!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Lynster
I'm so happy for you!!! I understand about the organization completely. Now with 3 blessings, my time and ability to organize is slightly decreased, leaving me feeling completely out of sorts. I can't wait for you to be so busy running after 2 little girls.
YAY! Emma's getting a sister soon!! Love, the Chu Family
Uh, okay and you posted this BEFORE Emma's punk rock post, but I'm just finding this out????? JK... Megan, I am so happy for you and Greg, Emma and Sophie. When I read that you kept asking Greg if that was really the approval, I both chuckled and teared up because I could just see you both in your house in that moment... Probably arrived on a day that you weren't even thinking about it, didn't it? Oh my. This is HUGE. Bringing Sophie home is one step closer; and a big step! Okay, now get on your agency to send off your Dossier; get your LID; your TA; your CA and your "you know what's" over to China!
Big, big hugs, Sarah
YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering when you were going to finally be able to say that! Here is to speedy LID, LOA and TA. You are going to get good weather to travel in, much cooler than July! Sophie - momma's coming and she is going to kiss you for a week ;)
So thrilled for you my friend,
What a happy day!! You are finally a huge step closer to getting your precious Sophia Grace. I was sooo excited when you called!! I love you all, what a beautiful family you are. Bless you, Love, Mom (Lao Lao) xoxo
Megan I am so excited for you all. How exciting that this paper FINALLY came. Yippeee Yahoo...Emma must be really excited. Hugs and can't wait to follow along as you get closer to bring miss Sophie home.
Hooray for Sophie, Emma, Megan and Greg! Love & hugs, the Cesals- Kate, Kim and Dave
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