Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day!!

 On Tuesday we woke up to frigid tempatures and blowing snow....and  a phone call that school had been cancelled. Emma was quite happy to hear that she had the day off. :-) She joined her Daddy for a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs (yeah, now she eats eggs again???), rye toast, berries, apple juice and coffee. (Don't worry everybody, her cup has 2/3 flavored creamer in it and a drop of coffee). 


I know that you are asking yourself right now-"But where is Sophie"?! Sophie was IN BED UNTIL 8:00 AM....the girl loves to sleep. When she got up she ate the same breakfast minus the eggs (hates them) and coffee. ;-)

Greg ended up working from home yesterday...he got as far as the exit of our subdivision and turned around. The roads were awful with blowing snow (Kansas has WIND folks) and cars getting stuck.

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