Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ride the Cow!

WalMart is getting quite expensive these days, and it is not only the price of groceries! I can not get in the enterance with out paying 50 cents for Emma to ride the Boar. She insists that it is called a COW and tells me "Emma Needs to ride the COW at WulMart"! It is always the best 45 seconds of her day. :)
Emma is really into Barney these days-and if I knew who introduced him to her I would *kill* that person...Greg and I are not fans of Barney. ;) Anyway, when Auntie Bertha in Michigan heard that Emma wanted a stuffed Barney she went through Cousin Katie's old toys and found one. Lao Lao promptly mailed it & as you can see by the look on Emma's face Barney has found a good home! :) (Thank You Bertha and Katie)!

Pool Fun!

Walking to the pool (Emma no longer wants to ride in her stroller)!
Emma just loves her pink tube! (It's too big for her but she can fit in it with her life jacket on perfectly....).

Playing with Daddy-her preferred playmate these days!

Emma loves her Daddy so much!!
"Emma's Swimming"! (This is what she told us).
When we first brought Emma to visit the neighborhood pool after Memorial Day she was very frightened and refused to leave the steps! It is amazing to see her at the pool now just 5 weeks later! :) She LOVES it! While she is still cautious she will float around with her life jacket on and likes to use her tube too.
Note: I am still having issues rotating pictures, I press the rotate button but nothing happens-ARGH-frustrating!! ; )

Happy Birthday.....AMERICA?!

Over the weekend Emma kept informing us that she "NEEDED" a piece of birthday cake. We have no idea how she came up with this, but she had cake on the brain. So, being the pushover that I am-I baked her a cake. She wanted candles in it and she insisted that all three of us sing Happy Birthday! When I asked her who we should sing to she responded "EMMA"!! :) I explained that since it was not her birthday we could not do that, instead I suggested that we sing to America since it was the holiday weekend. She agreed (although she will sing to anything...). So we had quite an impromptu party for America on Sunday! : )
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

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