Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daddy's Father's Day Gift!!

Yesterday morning the girls had a hearty breakfast and off we went to WalMart (ugh!) in search of their Daddy's Father's Day gift! :)

They are BOTH "Daddy's Girls"-especially Emma! So, I wanted to make this Father's Day extra special. Especially since Greg has been working insane hours since January....somehow he still manages to make time for his two little eggrolls. I don't know how working 60-80 hours a week! He deserves something from the heart this year! :)

I decided that both Emma and Sophie are old enough to make Greg a gift. I found mugs that they decorated and they also made him a shirt! Ha-ha....it should be interesting
to see their Daddy sporting his new shirt and drinking out of his mugs! ;) Both of the girls did a really good job concentrating and staying on task....and they had a lot of fun!!

Note that Sophie ended up in her underwear. If you want to "see" why just visit the previous post! ;P

Potty Training Update

I could not resist taking these pictures yesterday afternoon. Honestly the whole incident was pretty funny. :P

Sophie REALLY has been doing well wearing "big girl undies" and I AM proud of her! But, she has averaged 1-2 accidents a day since Saturday. Lucky for us the puddles have only happened at home!

I figure that sooner than later she is going to get tired of cleaning up her own puddles. She was pretty mad at me yesterday when I put her in the tub with instructions to strip, wash her buns and the stool that she peed on. I suppose that my stifled laughter was irritating her as well. ;)

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

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