Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sophia Grace: DAY NUMBER 61

SISTERS: I thought that I would post "side by side" pictures of the girls. :)
(I can not WAIT until they are REALLY side by side)!!
In case anybody is wondering about our other little peanut, we still have not received any news from China. Not a word. Nothing. Today we are on "Day #61" of our wait. We are waiting for our "Letter of Approval" from China, after that we get to wait for Travel Approval-which typically follows pretty quickly. I think that we are going to be waiting for a while yet. UGH.
Emma has been asking to "Go on the big airplane, get Sophie in China". I tell her that it is probably going to be 2 or 3 more months and she says "No, two days, go get Sophie"! I wish that she was right. People have asked me if Emma understands that she is getting a sister. SHE DOES! :)


Imagine Emma's surprise a couple of weeks ago when a letter from SANTA arrived in the mail! She can recognize her name spelled out and was impressed that Santa included her name in his letter to her.

Emma is VERY into Santa this year and she knows that he will bring her toys. I realize that this is not the true meaning of Christmas, but we will continue to work on that lesson...after all she is only 4.;)

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