Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random Pictures from Our Trip to Chicago & Michigan

(These are not in chronological order).

*Although we have never been there this is our favorite town in Missouri* *The following pictures are from the Fourth of July Parade in East Tawas, MI. It was the girls first parade*!

*The girls with Lao Lao & Yeh Yeh*

*The girls and Great-Auntie Karen playing with cousin Katie's old doll house*.
*Pictures from our Adult Dinner out*!

*Sophie and Lao Lao reading*

*Sophie and Emma sleeping on the air matresses*
(Looks like Sophie was thumbing through some reading material before bed)!;)

*Emma hanging out with Yeh Yeh*

*Emma & Sophie with their Great-Grandma Dee Wee. Dee Wee is 96 years old and Emma is named after her* :)

*The girls watching TV*

*We were in the car for 40+ hours round trip. This is the ONLY time that Emma took a nap! She dozed off for about 40 minutes. Sophie took a few more naps than Emma did-but, not many*!

*Sophie and Great Grandma Jo who is 87 years old*!

*Emma hanging out with Uncle Bob*
*Emma and Sophie with Nonna*
*Pa Pa squeezed in the back seat with the girls and they though that it was pretty funny*!

Family Picture Mishaps: 7/4/2009

We TRIED to take a family picture before heading off to the parade on the morning of the 4th. Emma and Sophie were just NOT cooperating at all & we were not able to get a good shot. Oh well! The following out takes ARE sort of funny...just look at their little faces!!!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

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