Monday, April 6, 2009

What's New?

We had a pretty uneventful big news to share. Greg worked from home instead of going into the office on Saturday & Sunday so that was NICE! It is his busy season at work and unfortunately we have not seen a lot of him since we have been home from China.

On Saturday we took the girls out to dinner. We had sushi at Sumo; Emma peeled apart her maki rolls and ate the insides while Sophie just ate the entire roll. Sophie will eat anything. :) Last night we played some music while cleaning up after dinner. The girls were jamming to The Stones! :) It was pretty funny.

The other night we let them watch television together in our bed and they fell asleep together. This was the first time that this has happened. It is neat to see the two of them bonding. :) Sophie says Emma's name very clearly now and when she sees Emma she says "Hi" and waves.

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