Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with Greg's family & had a very nice time! Emma enjoyed getting dressed up on Thanksgiving day and had a wonderful time hanging out with her Pa Pa (Greg's Dad) all weekend! :)

I have a lot to be thankful for, but I am especially thankful for my beautiful daughter! :)

Emma's New Bed!

Two weeks ago we decided that it was finally time to break down & buy Emma a "Big Girl Bed".

Emma was protesting against sleeping in her crib & it had gotten to the point where she was falling asleep in our bed and then we were moving her into the crib once she was asleep.

We had to wait 1 week before the bedroom set could be delivered. During that time we talked up the new bed and Emma was thrilled when it finally arrived! She still refers to it not as her "bed" BUT as her "new bed". :) The day that it was delivered she played by herself in her room for 40 minutes!

From the very first night Emma has slept in her bed with very few issues. She LOVES her new bed and LIKES to go to sleep in it! However, nap times are basically over as you can see by the picture posted! : ( Last week I heard wild giggling in her room; I went to investigate what was going on with the camera in my hand and I found out what REALLY was going on behind closed doors at naptime!

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